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Kayla Jameth's Corner

I'm a reader and author of m/m erotic romance.

Currently reading

Spartans: A New History
Nigel M. Kennell
Kayla Jameth's books on Goodreads
Controlled FallControlled Fall
reviews: 4
ratings: 26 (avg rating 3.91)

LegendsLegends (Ad-dick-tion anthology)
reviews: 2
ratings: 8 (avg rating 4.33)

Ad-Dick-tion: Vol 1Ad-Dick-tion: Vol 1
reviews: 4
ratings: 16 (avg rating 4.62)

The House of Dionysus's bookshelf: read
The House of Dionysus 6 members
A place for the discussion of m/m set against the backdrop of the Greco-Roman world.

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Take Shortcuts with Dashboard and Reviews

“No shortcuts!” Many people support this statement but sometimes they are really useful and let discover new paths. So why not? We let you take two kind of shortcuts on BookLikes, with your Dashboard and Reviews.


Shortcut #1 - Dashboard


Form now on Dashboard is available in optional view with shortened posts. Now it will be easier to stay up to date with your friends reviews and bookshelf updates. To switch on new view of your Dashboard, go to Settings/General, select new option for feed activity at the bottom of the page and Save.


Once you select Dashboard in new view, you’ll see that posts are shortened and of similar size. With new view you’ll see title and the beginning of the posts, the rest will be hidden and will be revealed once you request to see entire post at the bottom of the text.



In this way your Dashboard will be better organized and will present numerous post entries that you can easily read, like and reblog without the necessity of infinite scrolling. It’s like never-ending table of content :-)


Remember that you can still add page break to your texts while writing. Then the posts will be published with Read more option not only on Dashboard but also on your Blog page. 



Let’s remind ourselves what other options Dashboard has. The right column has many useful features:


  • tag search box - write book title/author/tag to find other writings about a given book - great way to find new reads and new blogs to follow;

  • currently reading box - the book you’re reading right now - you can change reading progress by clicking the book cover and filling up pages/per cents/minutes or hit Finished when it’s done;

  • all posts / Reviews filter - this allows you to see all posts or reviews only on your Dashboard;

  • your Reading Challenge counter if you set your reading goal on Goodies page; 

  • invite box - if you know someone who would love BookLikes, invite him/her; just paste e-mail address in the Invite box, hit Invite and the person will receive Invitation Email to BookLikes.


The upper part of Dashboard works as navigation bar which helps you to move between your admin views of your webpages: Blog, Shelf and Timeline. All changes made on your admin pages are mirrored on your public webpage with your personal address yourusername.booklikes.com.  To view your public page just click on your photo on Dashboard.


Dashboard is also the place where you search books. Use search box on the top to find books from book sources we partnership with (select book sources in Settings/Search) or search through your own Shelf (select magnifying glass icon in search box).


Shortcut #2 - Reviews


The second shortcut  is about your reviews and ability to edit them. So far you could edit your texts in your admin blog viewNow it can be done faster from Table view of your Shelf. We added Edit Review option to your reviewed books so if you want to add something to your published text, click on it and you’ll be moved to writing mode and text box of your review.



You can also use blog admin view to edit reviews. If you want to edit text added some time ago, you can use search box (paste post title) instead of scrolling down. Once the post is found hover over it and click Edit in upper right corner. Then make corrections and Save with your changes.


No unnecessary shortcuts :-) Enjoy!

Reblogged from BookLikes