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Kayla Jameth's Corner

I'm a reader and author of m/m erotic romance.

Currently reading

Spartans: A New History
Nigel M. Kennell
Kayla Jameth's books on Goodreads
Controlled FallControlled Fall
reviews: 4
ratings: 26 (avg rating 3.91)

LegendsLegends (Ad-dick-tion anthology)
reviews: 2
ratings: 8 (avg rating 4.33)

Ad-Dick-tion: Vol 1Ad-Dick-tion: Vol 1
reviews: 4
ratings: 16 (avg rating 4.62)

The House of Dionysus's bookshelf: read
The House of Dionysus 6 members
A place for the discussion of m/m set against the backdrop of the Greco-Roman world.

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Breathless Press Sale

All of my Breathless Press titles are currently on sale for 49 cents. YES! You read that correctly. But I'm not sure how much longer they will be available.

Breathless Press will be closing its doors May 1st and I don't think Alexios' Fate, From the Ashes, or Legends will be available anywhere after that.

So if you want to get your hands on any of those titles, NOW is the time.